How to get your SHEET together
How to get your SHEET together
Episode 6: How To Stop Being A Romantic Fly

Episode 6: How To Stop Being A Romantic Fly


Hey there peeps!

The question I answer in this podcast episode is: “What's a good technique to check if you're developing good relationship habits?”.

I talk about how to avoid being a Romantic Fly, what cats have to do with your attachment style and the fact that sex is not the only love language you can have (who knew?).

I also totally misspoke at some point, and I am overly aware of that. I’m leaving it in as perfectionism training. Or maybe I’m too lazy to edit it 😉

PS: if you are interested in the attachment style theory or Esther Perel’s work (she speaks English), you can find more info here and here.

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How to get your SHEET together
How to get your SHEET together
Podcast by a life & health coach with ADHD about helpful tips to get your SHEET (Structure, Health, Environment, Emotions & Thoughts) together. Warning: expect strange analogies, dad jokes and some swearing thrown in.