How to get your SHEET together
How to get your SHEET together
Episode 3: The Naughty Toddler & The Four-Horse Carriage - A Scheduling Nightmare

Episode 3: The Naughty Toddler & The Four-Horse Carriage - A Scheduling Nightmare


Hello people!

The question I tackle in this podcast episode is: “Should you follow what you have planned in your schedule, or should you follow what your brain wants to do?”

I talk about two very common issues related to this question, The Naughty Toddler and The Four-Horse Carriage, and how to deal with them. So if you have ever had scheduling problems, this one’s for you!

Also, the image below is an example of a weekly Google calendar, which I mentioned in the podcast. Note: this is very obviously not my calendar because it’s much less hectic (and sadly I don’t know the doggo).

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How to get your SHEET together
How to get your SHEET together
Podcast by a life & health coach with ADHD about helpful tips to get your SHEET (Structure, Health, Environment, Emotions & Thoughts) together. Warning: expect strange analogies, dad jokes and some swearing thrown in.