Have totally felt that rage at the toilet door for not opening fast enough after forgetting that I need to go to the loo 😂

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The worst, isn't it? Damn door! Haha

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This was great! Very well explained, I like the metaphors!

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Thank you so much 🥰

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I really like ticking things off my to do list but this is the first time I have heard somebody frame it as a reward. But now, I’m going to frame it this way. Sometimes I even go back, add things I did that weren’t in my list that I did, and tick them 😄 That might be slightly counterproductive but it feels good!

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Oh no absolutely, I do the same and yes it feels great! I mostly consider ticking things off a list a reward if it leads to an actual reward, for example X amount of days of working on task Y = cinema night. Every day you 'gain' the money needed for it, or the time so you are 'saving up' for it if that makes sense. And so that is a reward in itself.

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A 'sub reward' if you will haha

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This was helpful. Time slots. And addressing the naughty toddler.

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Yep, that Naughty Toddler can really throw us off our schedule! I'm happy you found it helpful 🙏

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RemovedJun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Maggie Jon
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Yeeep, I totally agree! It shouldn't feel like a straight-jacket

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