Thank you so much for your vulnerability. I relate to this on so many levels. On so many levels. Instead of corporate I went nonprofit corporate.... it destroyed me. But here I am wanting to go back to it lol all because I believe in helping people. Damn psychology degree!

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Hehe yep, I understand. Non-profit is also a business, but helping people with it is a beautiful thing ❤️

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that was actually so entertaining to read - not that I'm amused by your stress, but it's just so relatable 🧡

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Haha no worries, same 'origin story' for you?

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Maggie Jon

sounds about right 🙈

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Now I'm curious 👀

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Therapy is a life saver. I only wish more people would do the work so we didn't have to deal with their sh*t day in, day out... Thanks for sharing your origin story :)

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Oh yes, I feel you 😅 Interesting how we are being taught a bunch of topics in highschool which I have never used, but nothing actually useful like emotional intelligence.

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Don't understand why European? women (men too) don't like cunts. I find them quite wonderful really. Except for one, but she did had the loveliest tits. There was another, but only in my imagination. Someone I was stuck working in a cubicle with, in New Orleans, who never bathed. Let's call her Smelly Shelly. Loved this piece tho. I had a similarly wretched experience with a corporate job, but I did get to travel to NYC on a Learjet once. Love the crossed out stuff. The stuff you'd like to forget but honestly cannot. Cheers and thanks 💚🍆🫒🍌

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So this was an isolated writing? Its back to the less stream conscious style😒 with edits, tone🗣🎶🎶, and emotion😍 that had me grinnin, that HAd me feeling proud of myself for just a SECOND...FIRst(🤔🎄🤷)time in a long TIME i finished a whole writing/post while also reading and comprehending every word with growing enthuzaziam thruin yesternite when i stumbled into a piece of ur world, i thank it waz maybe🙄may been YES2nites ago when i stumbled upon my type a shit(shit in this sense being not detectable by this👃sense)....Then i checked mysELF👀uhhh...and REALized that i didn't accomplish nothin, u did...thanx ya very much for SAID(fun intended).

FEELt ur sentiment💓...Amazing🌽🌽🌽🌽🚶🏽🌽🌽🌽

P.S.st 🗣✋ ~ i edited a bunch a timez, but i choze not to get frustrated and try to figure out how to draw a line thru words like u do...plus this digital "tablet" is outdated, but mostly efficient and better than the nothing else i have to ether the net on.

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Hahah I usually write like this, but generally it's a little better written 😉 Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it ❤️

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Sep 10Liked by Maggie Jon

Very much😌

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That was such a hilarious moment in that movie!

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Yep, love it 😁

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"I do like working with people, and I also like making a difference." no shame in that! Some people can work for money just like some people can marry for money. I recently turned down a position for double my pay ON MORAL GROUNDS. did you hear that? I thought I was a cool witch, I thought I was a rebel! I moved to Australia alone and I said no to a job because I have VALUES. yuck. we need a support group. my 16yo self would be ashamed of me.

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Hahaha yeeeep I feel you. The only thing I miss from my corporate job is the paycheck 😅

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You teach what you know. I know it seems like everyone is a coach but I have set up coaching for a specific niche - high functioning adults on the spectrum; specifically women and donor especially for those late diagnosed because I am that. And I’m still standing after trauma and then therapy. The best support and inspiration comes from a place of authenticity and what could be more profound and authentic than having lived through it?

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Yep, I totally agree with you!

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Wonderfully written and personal. Thank you for sharing this. And good luck on your continued journey of self.

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Thank you for your kind words 🙏 Yep, this journey never ends!

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Thanks for sharing this story. That’s a great idea to list out everything and then see how you can piece them together. Also, love the visual. 😹

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Hahah I adore Ace Ventura movies, they make me laugh every time 😂 And yes, that's usually what I do with clients who are looking for a new career. We already have all the puzzle pieces, we just need to piece them together!

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Makes complete sense! ✅

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So....did you feel just as naked, yet relieved after your very graphic birth?

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Yep, 100%!

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I’m intrigued Emilio, informative how? 😎😎

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What did you find the most informative in this post?

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I enjoy your humour so much! Thank you for sharing these experiences with us in such an entertaining way! I love the legacy you are creating with everyone lucky enough to work with you! Best wishes with everything! ☘️☘️☘️

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Thank you so much Rebecca ❤️ I really love it when people say they enjoy my humor because it's a bit... peculiar apparently 😂

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Nah, that's a non-answer 😛

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The first part of your story

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