Nice work!

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Thanks 🙏

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I have often wondered about OCD patterns with myself, and once I am in a place to do so I want to have a talk with the proper professional about it. I felt the being overly critical of myself so much. I am not so much with others, unless they are cocky and don't live up to their own vibe (I have done a lot of choir auditions where people come in and say they're amazing and well...yeah haha). But I am so bad at accepting compliments to boot. There's a lot going on there that also contributes. Thanks again for the wonderful lsiten!

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It's interesting isn't it, how we mentally pummel ourselves into oblivion, but can be kind to others. The being overly critical of yourself can definitely be worked on, through positive self-talk and reframing your thoughts. It's a huge part of the work I do with my clients.

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I think for me it will also help to change some more environmental things in my life that are currently outside factors that don’t help at all. I think that sometimes we also beat ourselves up so much that it doesn’t hurt as much when others do it Like, “I know I suck tell me something I don’t know”.

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Ah, kind of like foreboding joy. Unfortunately it doesn't work 😓 As for the environment: yes. Stress hugely impacts anxiety disorders.

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I can’t remember the last time I was not stressed at all for more than a week. And I’m not talking about something like, obviously work and what not, can be stressful. But like, times that shouldn’t be stressful and yet I have a baseline stress. There’s a lot going on here haha.

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I understand, more than you probably realize. I'm here for a chat if you like!

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I appreciate it!

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Aug 4Liked by Maggie Jon

This was such a great listen! 👏 I learned a LOT. Thank you!

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Oh I'm so happy to hear that! What was the main thing (if you feel comfortable sharing of course!)?

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Aug 4Liked by Maggie Jon

Of course, no qualms about that! LOL - the seasonality of serotonin levels, and how anxiety disorders change as a result based on seasons, sunlight, etc. I knew (or heard before) that depression tended to be more widespread in winter. But 1) I didn’t know exactly why and 2) I didn’t know seasonality caused other things to be more pronounced too.

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I am glad you mentioned this. It took me a long time to figure that out myself! And I'm so glad I did because now I am no longer beating myself up over it and doing what I can to remedy it.

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Love this!! 👏👏 I definitely recognize OCD thought patterns in myself. And I've never really explored the whole "OCD" angle of things, and so I love that you're talking about this and making me think. 💛💛

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Shit, I'm making you think? That's the opposite of what I wanted!

Haha I'm glad you liked it ❤️

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