Maggie I have been asking myself the same question.

Because after 10 years producing and hosting a global business radio show, I didn’t want to do that level of work again (it’s laborious and while folks say they enjoy it no one wants to pay you consistently for all that labor)

The interesting dilemma for those of us not only who are self-employed or run a business is building trust often comes from folks either hearing our voices or seeing our faces(in videos) along with hearing our voices.

I get it, my voice is what moves people to take action.

What if we instead created only one a month. Giving us the break in production and our listeners the ability to hear from us?

Not promising either of us that is the answer because until we experiment with it, we won’t know the outcomes.

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Yep I was thinking about something like that too... It's so tough to know what is the right thing to do!

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I’m not going to be much help other than giving you props because I enjoy your content in any format.

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Thanks, that does help. Sometimes coaches get tired too and reading comments like this boost morale 😊

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Hi, Maggie. Forgive me if you already know this, but if you decide it would be beneficial to start writing out your content, you can then record a voiceover that, through some non-intuitive settings, you can also send out as a podcast. So, you could hit both readers and listeners. That’s what I do. Feel free to DM me if you want me to hear more about how to do it.

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I thought about that but then I end up doing more work, now it's one week an article and the other a podcast. If I do sort of like both then I'll spend more time 😬

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Ah, makes sense!

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Love that you're asking this question! For me personally, I'm a reader first. I adore your articles, you're hilarious and smart and all big thumbs up for me! I also love your podcast, you have such a great podcasting voice (not jealous at all 😭) and articulate everything so well. But, in general I'm not as inclined to sit and listen to a podcast episode as I am to read something. Again, that's just my quirks (plus, I think being a 'writer' at heart also biases me lol).

Aside from that, I'm afraid I don't have much more helpful insight other than the usually not as helpful as intended: 'follow what feels right and do what you love!'.

If the podcast is something that gives you energy / you love doing it, I think it's great to keep doing it. But if it's putting a strain on your time without ROI, then maybe it's better to pause/stop.

Otherwise, maybe explicitly call out your coaching services more on each episode/your newsletters? Just a simple little call to action or even semi-regularly promote free intro calls?

Anywho, hope this wasn't negatively helpful 😂 🙏💕

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Nono it's all helpful! I'm thinking I'll continue with both but in a different way.

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I find listening to you swear and solve readers problems a pleasant break from reading. But that’s me, do whatever you need to do.

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Sounds like you're not the only one 😊 Thanks, Adam ❤️

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Hi, Maggie! 😃 Appreciated the short about your dilemma. I am still too old school to commit to being a regular person who tunes in; on the better hand however, is that Podcasts are hot, a lot of people love them! They do take more effort in getting them to the monitization level you need. Do you have the time to grow it? Because imo, it will be soaring and satisfying with your continued commitment to it. You do you! Only you can decide 🌻

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What C G Karas ^ said. I love your voice, and the podcast material has been great. Thanks for all your hard work, Maggie.

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Thanks Melanie, that really helps ❤️

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Hi Maggie,

Everyone wants everything. You have to do what works for you. But if you kill the podcast make sure it's because it's not working for you and not because you feel self-conscious doing it. I mean that in the nicest way possible. You'd be able to hear that well intentioned tone if I'd recorded my voice. I even contemplated doing so to make this point (and also to stop my comment turning into war and peace) but I'm a scaredy cat so here we are.

If there could be only one form of Get Your Sheet Together then I'd choose audio over articles. You write really well. But I've listened to every episode of your podcast and think it's great. You have a lovely voice and sound friendly and trustworthy. One of the reasons I chat with you on Substack is because I feel like I can trust you more because I've heard your voice. And surely when coaching people surely you do so by speaking to them and not as pen pals. The best advert for what you do is what you do.

How could you make the podcast easy for you? (I'm asking not telling). Could you: Record episodes back to back in batches. Ad lib your way through a talkier version of reading all the pieces you've written. Whatever. Cut it up and use as inbetweenisodes whenever you don't have anything.

You could even record public coaching sessions with clients (with permission of course) via video (Youtube it), rip the audio (podcast it), and write up interesting bits as you see fit. I know that's more work. But I mean as an example of what you do being your content. Instead of your content being something extra that you need to tie yourself up in knots about.

The example I'm thinking about is Pamela Stephenson. She was a psychotherapist and did a show where, instead of interviewing people about the usual stuff, she'd ask famous people about deeply personal stuff they'd only usually share with their therapist. Including a notorious episode she did with her husband the comedian Billy Connolly.

Hope that helps even a little. Good luck whatever you decide.

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Oh no it's definitely not about feeling self-conscious. It's just a lot of work and my time is limited, plus I would love to see better results for my business because that's what pays the bills (and my ticket to hel- I mean heaven, of course). You make a lot of great points, thanks! Very helpf- *cough* useful.

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So, here it is.

While I admit to having actually listened to this podcast, partly to hear what you sound like (I know, I'm creepy, and yes, I liked it) and to see if I could hear traces of your origin (which I could), I will add that, for text-only podcasts, I invariably prefer to read it.

Reading something is so much easier... you can dwell on a sentence, read it back at your leisure, make notes if applicable, without having to operate anything else but your eyes. For that reason, I also don't like "audio books".

I generally only like podcasts if the audio part has something that cannot be adequately expressed as text. Example: the excellent podcast series "Zo klonk Nederland" by the team of Vroege Vogels, in which they made a captivating attempt of what our country sounded like from the last ice age to today.

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I hear you, I've heard this before but that's why I always add the transcript. I know it's not the same though.

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Have you seen how hard it is to read the transcript?

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It seems fine to me 🤷‍♀️

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Yes, but now, imagine reading the transcript of a 20 minute podcast.

The natural flow, created by the sensible use of paragraphs and interpunction (which you master perfectly well in your writings) OR with the sensible use of pauses, voice inflections, and vocal dynamics (which I have heard you doing) is out the window. The format of these transcripts is really the worst of both worlds.

To round this up:

I'm a boomer. I *love* to read, and I can even read text that exceeds the twitter character limit. I have been caught reading books, even. 🤣

So, my response to your question should be read with that disclaimer in mind. But I still stand by it. 😎

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No I totally understand... I'm going to keep doing both I think but try to find a way to make the podcast less cumbersome.

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Either way is great . What ever is easier for you ,Maggie . hugs and peace

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Let me get back to you when I'm on a computer. Typing on a phone takes 41 points off my IQ.

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You have such a lovely warm voice and presence in your podcast. I for one would miss it. I think you are talented enough for the podcast to become very popular and it may bring much more income. If you simply relax with it, use your wonderful sense of humor and not work too hard it can only get better. Best wishes for success 🙌

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Oh wow you made my day. Thank you so much for your lovely words ❤️

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